baby turtle held in gloved hand

New Turtle Species Found in Tropics

Amy Lee | 4/16/2024

In an exciting development for biodiversity enthusiasts, scientists have announced the discovery of a previously unknown species of turtle thriving in the lush tropics...

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animecon mascot

AnimeCON hosts its 10th Anniversary

Anna Beary | 3/25/2024

Anime fans, rejoice! The iconic AnimeCon is gearing up for its monumental 10th anniversary celebration...

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actors on stage around a fallen member

Opening Night of Play Goes Horrible!

Sadie Jenkins | 3/20/2024

In a dramatic turn of events, what was anticipated to be a night of theatrical delight transformed into a chaotic spectacle, leaving audience members...

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meowza logo

Meowza! Company Making New Site

Clover Fieli | 3/25/2024

The famous social media website, Meowza!, known for thousands of pictures of user's cats is reportedly making a new site for dog owners, called “Barkza!”.

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coach yelling at crowd

Coach Yells at Crowd, Gets Booed.

Marcus Barq | 3/26/2024

In a dramatic twist during a heated football game, the spotlight shifted from the players to the coach as an unexpected altercation unfolded...

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a pile of golfballs, all different colors

10 Cool Places to go Mini-Golfing

Daniel Thompson | 2/2/2024

Mini golfing, with its whimsical obstacles and family-friendly fun, is a beloved pastime enjoyed by people of all ages...

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Little Jimmy holds a toy football in his hand

Small Child Does Kick-Off

Billy Zim | 1/7/2024

Little Jimmy's Dream has always been to be a Football Player. Recently, Sport's Team “The Sheeps” allowed the boy...

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a man surrounded by words that read learning, experience, ability, growth, training, competence, knowledge, and skills

Navigating the Business World

Barry Starson | 3/30/2024

As the world emerges from the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses are faced with a new set of challenges and opportunities in an evolving economic landscape. With consumer behaviors....

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a small lego figure infront of a lego computer desk looking very stressed

The Growing Challenge of Job Shortages

Rob Winston | 2/22/2024

As economies evolve and industries undergo rapid transformations, one pressing challenge facing job seekers...

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a side view of a screen that is displaying stocks information on it

The World of Stocks: A Beginner's Guide

William Miller | 2/21/2024

Stocks, also known as equities, represent ownership shares in a publicly traded company. When you buy stocks, you are...

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woman spraying stress away-spray at her face

New Stress-Away Spray is Helping Thousands

Alex Jones | 2/11/2024

In an era marked by increasing levels of stress and anxiety, a new product is making waves in the wellness industry...

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two people diving into the ocean in diving gear

The Ocean is Deeper than Originally Thought

Judd Clark | 2/16/2024

For centuries, the ocean has captivated humanity with its vastness and mystery. Yet, despite our relentless...

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a picture of two scouts infront of a body of water

Local Girl Scout Troop Helps Clean Oil Spills

Felix Patson 1/19/2024

In a heartwarming display of environmental stewardship and community activism, a local Girl Scout troop...

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image of a woman infront of a video work call on her laptop

A Case for Embracing Remote Work as the New Normal

Darryl Swanson | 4/5/2024

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has emerged as a transformative force reshaping the way we...

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a scoop of icecream on a brownie slice, next to a fork and spoon

The Underrated Art of Eating Ice Cream with a Fork

Sarah Taylor | 3/20/2024

In a world full of culinary innovations and gastronomic trends, one timeless practice remains tragically overlooked...

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dolphin in water

Should Dolphins Be Allowed to Vote?

Amy Lee | 3/22/2024

Granting dolphins the right to vote may sound like a whimsical idea, but it's fraught with complexities that challenge the very essence of democracy...

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